One fine evening, my life partner hissed that she never had any occasion to be angry with me. I disputed. I said, not only you were angry, but I was equally afraid of seeing your face, when you were angry. "Is it so?", she asked, continuing, "how do I look like, when I am angry."
I dramatised one, and to our surprise, my daughter, from somewhere, clicked this one.
This cannot be true, she said. I am not this bad.
But she said, your belly is too bad. Reduce it fast.
I publish this with a hope that my children may pass a judgment on this.
What is humour indeed ?
After a long interval, I reminded to myself
that this blog of mine
should be including some sense
of Humour.
Amongst the blogs I visited, the one blog
I can never forget is quoted at the title.
where you get
Some real humour (without offence)
you find there. Of course at the expense of
indian Politicians. You cannot but laugh
and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh
till your belly bursts.
Please move there and enjoy .
to live long, AND LONG.