1st October 2006
Today is Saraswathi Pooja Day in Tamil nadu, South India.
This Day is devoted to the worship of Godess Saraswathi, the bestower of All Knowledge
This is the penultimate day of the 10 day festival throughout India.
The conventions and rituals differ slightly from region to region but the core of the Festival
remains the same.
The first Three Days, Durga Maa is worshipped.
The next Third Days, Lakshmi Maa is worshipped.
The final Three days Saraswathi Maa is Worshipped.
Durga Maa is the symbol of all Bravery, Steadfastness, Conviction and Courage.
Lakshmi Maa is the symbol of all Wealth.
Saraswathi Maa is the symbol of all Knowledge.
In fact, by worshipping Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswathi, the trio symbolising Courage, Wealth and Knowledge, Hindus rededicate themselves to the path revealed to them by the Scriptures, that is simply, Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.
In Tamil Nadu, and in the states of Karnataka and Andra pradesh a conventional Kolu is established. Idols made of mud, china clay, marble are displayed in all splendour. Every day, ladies and girls visit all neighbouring houses, to invite them to their houses. They dress in all colourful ways, conventional ways and the entire atmosphere is one of gay and gaiety.
To develop a Kolu of your choice, please click :
Every evening, a popular dish Sundal is prepared and distributed to visitors. On Friday, putti which is Sweet Flour with coconut and ghee is distributed. And on Saturday, the gingelee powder is mixed with jaggery and given as Ell-urundai.
To taste a few of the recipes associated with this festival, please do visit:
People all over decorate their homes and all the temples wear a festive look. During this period, all the Channels air Devotional and Traditional Classic music on air, by popular musicians. You are lucky if you can get the telecast of this music festival by
You are cordially invited to visit Tamil Nadu during these days, to have your own Sweet Experiences of this colourful Festival.
At Mysore, the Karnataka State, the Dussera Celebrations are really colourful. The procession of well decorated elephants with the King on one of the Well Decorated Elephant is a delight to watch.
One may be curious to know the mythologies associated with this colourful festival. Also the traditions of various regions of India, a cultural heritage.
I would invite them to visit one of the best sites depicting Navrathri and Durga Maa Festival, please click on to: