For well over a half a century, orthodox in India, prepare a salad which they offer to God Vinayaka . This is done almost in all Hindu Vinayaka Temples at the time of festivals and routine worship time. When you analyse the contents of this salad you are almost dumbfound at the energy rich contents which serves as a highly rich protein diet equally promoting digestion. With a few modifications, I am narrativing the contents of this salad and also the method of preparing the same. Since the frame is prepared in the language of Tamil (just for a change) I give below the contents of this salad.
Cashew nut, Badam nut cut into pieces and fried in ghee, with 2 to 3elakkay ...25 grams each. Plantain fruits 5 cut into small pieces. Same way 2 apple cut into pieces.
koyya fruits 2 nos. made as a semi paste .
Madhulai fruits...only the seeds 50 nos. are added.
Add two to three tablespoons of pure honey of rich quality.
50 grams of kalkandu powdered and added.
A few dates (taking out the seeds) cut into small pieces.
Add all the same. Wait for half an hour to get the mix settle down.
I wish you prepare it once and taste it.
This is a rich anti-oxidant. Mainly based on fruits, this promotes digestion, memory power. and equally a muscle relaxant.
This is a supplementary to your morning Breakfast.