திங்கள், ஜனவரி 25, 2010
Bhavani Stotram
Kindly click at the title to learn more about the text and meaning of
புதன், ஜனவரி 20, 2010
Would You please enter my Heart of Lotus !! Oh Goddess !
Please click at the title to move on to the blog of the author Ms.Kavinaya.
திங்கள், ஜனவரி 18, 2010
happy birthday to you..Sanju
செவ்வாய், ஜனவரி 12, 2010
thanthuvitten..Ennai thanthuvitten
It is absolute surrender of the self to the Almighty that makes this existence meaningful and full. Ms.Kavinaya excels in highlighting the essence of Vedhantha.
Please click at the title to move to her blog for more details.
Thatha here sings in Raag Purvi kalyani.
வெள்ளி, ஜனவரி 08, 2010
Abhiramiye !! sivakamiye !!
This time, Madam Kavinaya has penned a devotional song on Goddess Abhirami of Thirukadayur.
Please click at the title to read the text of this song.
Thatha as usual sings .
this is Raag Desh.
For illustration of Raag Desh, please move on to:
ஞாயிறு, ஜனவரி 03, 2010
Thank U Sanchu akka ..
சனி, ஜனவரி 02, 2010
Marghazhi thingalil ...
A song by Madam Kavinaya
Here, subbu thatha sings in Raag Arabhi. ( or is it Deva Gandhari !)
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